Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Once again it has started....

Tonight was the first LJ group. Yes that is right it is Tuesday. This year I will be driving kids out to Cornerstone to meet with their Leadership Journy groups on Tuesday nights. The worst part about the first night of LJ for me is learning the new routes. It is not the easiest when the streets in GR don't all run north and south or east and west or like back home or have construction. I do have to say that the night went very well for me. The other driver was not so lucky. He backed into a pole and shattered the back window and dented the door of the van. After being reassured that it was ok and that that is why UFM has insurance he is doing much better.

I do have to say it was a little weird being back on campus after leaving Cornerstone. It brought back a lot of memories (good and bad). BUT I don't miss it at all. I am very pleased with Grand Valley. Well I will try to do better at keeping you all updated on my life, but for now that is a rap.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Setting in the rain

A pretty dury day as we remember September 11, 2001. Even thought for most it is a day of morning it is also a day of celebration for my pastor and his wife. 16 or 17 years ago they had two little blessings come into their lives. Kaitlyn and Nicole. So I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you.

Now for the picture to right. This was me tonight. I sat out in the rain with one other parent at Domanic's football practice. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed watching the coach...lol, I mean Domanic practice. Ok you got me again that is not me in the picture, but isn't she cute? Well that is about all for today.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Thirteen Things about Living in my new house

1. Having a whole house verses one room.

2. My roommie

3. Having cable

4. Having high speed internet

5. Being able to decorate any way I want

6. The freedom

7. Living closer to the kids

8. My neighbors (on the one side)

9. I am close to school without living on campus

10. Having two bathrooms

11. Having a place to lay my scrapbooking out and leave it (have not got it out yet, but will be soon)

12. All the storage (I have lots of junk)

13. There are no pesky brothers to bother me (Just Kidden Nic)

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Our first

Over the holiday weekend my family went on its first camping trip since Dad passed away. It was a little on the rocky side but was not to bad. It was also Lilly's first camping trip too. You will get to meet Lilly later.

This weekend is also the weekend that 5 families from our church that go camping at the same place. Only 4 of the families were able to make it this year. This group might be known to some as Wienerville. Long story, but a great story.

Our family was also able to get together with our ex-neighbors and catch up on old times. It is amazing were life has taken us.

Here are just a few pictures from this weekend.

This is Miranda. She came over and asked if I would do her hair for her. Let just say by the time I was done her parents proably thought that I have spent to much time in the hood.

This is my mom chilling out and relaxing. A lot of this took place this weekend. You can shoot me later mom!

This is Lyndsey her parents are part of the Wienerville group. The little one is Lilly. Lilly is my mom's dog, but Lyndsey had a lot of fun with her this weekend.

Nic and Alyssa came up on Saturday for the day. Who is ever heard of watching a movie while you are camping. Well these two thought it would be a good idea. (and NO it was not rainning outside.)

This weekend was about making new memories and that is exactly what Nic decide to do. As you can see pink is Nic's new favorite color. LOL