Monday, March 12, 2007

Leaving your comfort zone

While sitting in church on Sunday I was challenged to leave my comfort zone and walk across the room. Which is not the easiest for someone who is an introvert, but I am going to try it when the Holy Spirit leads me to.
Ok, to catch every one up the Pastor from my church back home is encouraging the congregation to get involved in a small group focused around the book "Just Walking Across the Room". He is also dedicating the next several Sundays to this book. I am sorry that I will miss both the studies and the sermons, but I am going to get the book and read it for myself. I will continue to up date you on my thoughts on the reading of this book as I get a chance to read it. But for now here is an exert from the book...

From the Publisher

If taking ten steps across a room could serve to point your friends and family members toward faith, it might just change the way you walk.
Just Walk Across the Room ushers in the next era in personal evangelism with a natural, relational approach that follows Jesus' own example. When Christ "walked" clear across the cosmos 2,000 years ago, he had no formulas and no script—just an offer of redemption to people like us, many of whom were neck-deep in pain of our own making.
Astounding things happen when you follow the model set by Jesus. Emphasizing the leading of the Holy Spirit, Bill Hybels invites you to step out of your "Circle of Comfort" and into encounters with people who long for someone to take an interest in them—men and women with stories to tell and hearts that yearn to experience God's love through your smile, your encouragement, your transparency, your friendship.
Find out how you can make the difference of an eternity for someone standing in your sphere of influence.
It all starts with a walk across the room.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've heard a lot about this book. Let me know if it's good!

How are ya?