Monday, February 12, 2007
The weekend...
One week later and I am still feeling the effects of my purse being stolen. You will not believe all the things that you don't realize are in your purse. Each day I remember something new that I don't have any more. For example my glasses, membership cards to different places, and gift cards. Speaking of membership cards mom and went to Sam's Club to renew her membership and add me. They won't let me get the membership card because I didn't have a picture ID. Even though I had a temporary Drivers License, which I had to come up with 3 forms of ID for that. I wonder if this person even realizes what he has done.
Some day he will and all I can do now is pray that he may find God in all of this.
Well that is all for now, but look for an update tomorrow.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Through the bars of a crib
Just after awakening from a nap
And awaiting your return.
Through the bus window
With tears running down
As you wave good bye.
Through a window
While the snow falls all around
And they make snow angels with smiles on their faces.
Through the camera
Wearing special evening wear
As you tell them how wonderful they look.
Through tears of joy
As they walk down the aisle
To receive their diploma.
Through the bags
As they leave home
To spread their wings and fly.
Through the flowers
Making promises to last a life time,
Sharing their love with others.
Through the hospital nursery window
Holding their new bundle of joy,
Creating a family of their own.
Through the window
As the visit ends
Hoping to see them again soon.
Through the clouds of heaven
As they venture through life
Watching their children grow up.
~ Kali Wiseman
Monday, February 05, 2007
A wake up call!
Today I was reminded of where I live and that I shouldn't take things for granted. I went and dropped off Tiesha at the office. Sarah and I went in to say Hello to Ms. Noelle and were only there for about 20minutes when we decide it was time to go.
Sarah got outside the door and came running back in saying Ms. Kali your car, your car. I said what about my car. I walked outside to see what she was talking about and found my car window destroyed and my purse missing. Here start the roller coaster!
Noelle called the police and I started canceling my credit cards, etc. Noelle and Mr. Macoy walked the streets to see if the culprit might have taken the cash and ditched the purse, but no such luck.
To make a long story short I had to get the window in my car replaced and lost a purse with lots of important stuff.
BUT, I am counting my blessings that I was not with the purse and that I didn't have all my fortunes in the purse--- hahaha (poor college student ring a bell)!
P.S. I will be taking my purse every where with me or locking it in my trunk!!!
Snowed in!!

On Saturday it was time to ship the girls outside to run of some energy. This just gives you some idea of how much snow we got. When the girls laid down to make snow angels you could hardly see them.
Those crazy boys!! Damonic (left) and his cousin Dytona (right) walked over in the blizzard to hang out, because they were board. They ended up crashing in on the girls weekend, because we could not get out of the driveway to take them home.
Sunday afternoon the kids wanted to go outside and play again so we said go for it. When there is 5 kids the walls start to close in on you. They were making tunnels in the snow mounds (they were big enough for the kids to put their heads in and look at each other).

Today with school canceled and running out of ideas for entertaining the kids and myself, I decide to do a spa day for the girls. They got facials, pedicures, and manicures. Let me just tell you, Sarah (left) and Ty (right) thought they were living the high life.