Monday, November 05, 2007

A prayer request...

Yesterday's in church I received an answer to prayer from GOD through Jim Samra (Calvary Church's Pastor). That prayer was "Why did you have to take Dad and Why has someone I love had to suffer in the last 6 years?" I am not going to tell you the answer, but if you would like to get the jest of the message check out Noelle's blog (just click on her name).

As great as the message was I was not expecting to have to apply it to my life already again. Grandma (my mom's mom) is been ill for the last few months, but we could not figure out what was wrong. My mom has spent the last 3 days in Freemont. Today I called her to see how Grandma was doing and she started to cry. Grandma's kidneys are failing, so Mom and Aunt Pam have to decide weather or not to put her on dialyses. So I just ask for prayers that they may make the best choice for my Grandma. I will keep you up dated.


1 comment:

The words of an Exile said...

Hi there! My name is Kyle. Just getting the word (pardon the pun) out to Christians about Adventures in Christianity (.com). It is a really terrific site for Christians (our take on myspace).


I am Deo_vindice. Hope to see you on. Give me a shout if you do (and if you want to check out my blog, that's cool too). I'll pray for your grandmother. Take care, rememeber to read your Bible, and God bless!
