I stayed with Leah and Tiesha while Amy and Scott were at the hospital. Amy went in about 2:00 pm Monday. For most of that time the girls and I talked about all the fun stuff they would get to do with their new baby. Then about 9:30 pm Scott and Amy called to say good night to the girls. While Tiesha was on the phone with her mom her water broke. So to make a long story short Tiesha and I didn't get much sleep due to the fact that we were waiting for the phone call. It didn't come until 7:15am Tuesday.
After getting the phone call the girls and I got ready and went to the store to buy mom some flowers and it's a boy balloon. We also had to get Drew a toy. Daddy didn't get anything because we were not sure what to get him. Then I took the girls to meet Scott so they could go see Drew. Today is Wednesday and Leah keeps asking when mommy, daddy and her baby are going to come home. So to take her mind off it a little I decide that we would paint. We made a WELCOME HOME MOMMY AND DREW sign and hung it up. Here is the finished project and the artist Leah....