Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Whats next???????

When your have just come from a hotel and your waiting for a train to pass so that you can work what do you do? Well this morning I took the newspaper with me. While waiting and waiting for the train to come I started reading the paper. An article titled "Tag! More schools ban games at recess." Which brings me to the title of my blog "WHATS NEXT????"

First parent, teachers, and staff at schools complain that children need more recess or time to get rid of the energy they bottle up from sitting in the classrooms. Not only does physcial activity increase students consentration but it helps them perform better when they do have to sit down. Physical activity also helps with that obesity problem that our nation is so concerned with.

So what do we do?... take away their opportunities to interact with peers and run around and excrise. All because accidents happen. When will our children learn that you have to be tough. Bazar (author of article) consults an expert about children interacting in activities such as soccer, tag, touch football, etc. shes says that it is a safty concern, because tag turns in to hitting, pushing, and people running into each other. But then another expert says that children need to have the physcial activities to stimulate their minds. So what do you do?

Well one of the suggests is to play tag, soccer, and touch football in gym classes. Like accidents aren't going to happen there. If anything you will have an increase in injuries due to the confined areas.

Wow, I am not even a parent and I know that physical activities are what children need to develop physically, mentally, and socially. Children can learn so much for sports (teamwork, problem solving, spatial awarness, and how to stay healthier are just a few of the lessons that can be learned).

Below you will find a link to the article so you can read it for yourselves. I also encourage any comments about what you think. Maybe I am off in left field by myself.

USA Today
By Emily Bazar

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