WCSG 91.3 (www.913.org) has been challenging their listeners to do for others. One of their first projects was to go through the drive through and pay for the persons meal behind them. It was a great success as it witnessed to those behind them and the employees at the window. Another challenge was to write a letter to someone who could use a word of encouragement. This witness was a little more silent but still effective.
Then the week before Memorial Day once again the challenged their listeners to adopt a solider as a pen pal or whatever we can do. So I thought that being a pen pal with a solider would be a good idea for Sarah(the girl I mentor) and I to do to teacher her to care about others. So I went to WCSG'S website and did some research. They conectted me to a site called Reagan Round Up at www.ReaganRoundUp.com.
Last week Saturday I got the information about our pen pal in the mail and am very excited to have this opportunity. I would like to ask for you prayers for Debra (the pen pal) and her safety. Also that God will show me how to share with Sarah that we need to care for others too.
Have a wonderful and may God Bless always!!!