How we added: The neighboor's thought after we got Cappi (the 1st bunny) that they would enjoy a bunny themselves, but after having it for almost 3 months they have decided that it is not their cup of tea (best way to put it). When they first got Rex we told them if for any reason you need to get rid of him that we wanted first dibs (yes, you can call us crazy). So after listening to our neighboor's complain about Rex now for about 2 an half months and us telling them that they need to get him fixed, that would take care of some of the issue they were having, and not taking our advise we added him on Monday night.
Here is a picture of Rex and Cappi.

Cappi (Left back) Rex (Right front)
P.S. In case you were wondering what makes a ZOO it is: 2 Rabbits, 2 Turtles, 20 Fish (give or take), a bird, and a red claw crab.