Saturday, June 14, 2008

What a month :)

So I know it has been a month since I last posted, but it has been very busy. As my last post said I left for Florida for two weeks. Had an awsome time with my Aunt, Uncle and cousin Andrew. One of the best highlights of the trip was that I found a star fish in the ocean and brought it back to my aunt's house to dry out and while it was drying out her ancient dog EAT it yes that is what I said he eat it.

Apon returning I stayed at my moms house for a couple of days which was really nice to spend time with her. Especial because I had missed mother's day. I returned to my house on Sunday night to pack to leave for camp on Tuesday, but instead of packing I had 3 little kids over and for most of the day Monday. Having them over made a great holiday.

On Tuesday moring I left for Grace Adventures for two weeks of training before the kids came. A couple of highlights from those two weeks were, the first day had a scavenger hunt to complete and part of the hunt was using boats, lets just say a canoe pulled a paddle while two of us sat in 3 inches of water and what should have taken like 5 minutes to complete took like twenty. But remember it is the memories that we are making that counts :) A second event was just over the two weeks how our small group became very tight, as some of us had or were experiencing the same events happening in our lives and it was great to have each other to lean on.

This brings me up this last week. The first week of campers, more specifically 7-9 year olds. Throughout this week God tested my paitences and by yesturday (Friday) I was exhausted and ready for the weekend. So today I am sitting in peace and quite in my house (in GR) preparing mentally and physically for next when I get 9-11 year olds, which I am excited for.

That pretty much brings everyone up to date, and I thank everyone for following me and hopefully I will have more updates as the summer goes on. I leave you now with some pictures of the last couple of weeks.

First day of camp in cabin # 1.

r to l: Destiny, Me, Shamya

r to l: Parashya, Omaryana, Me, and Elizabeth

While at camp Shamya learned that filling a pail with sand and then dumping upside down made a sand castle. This is Shamya and her first sand castle.

No they are not 7-9 year olds, but Isaiah and Domanic were at pathfinder camp for the older kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures! I'm praying for you!!! Megie